Regardless of what we may think of either candidate (or both), we each need to look at the bigger picture. The agenda and direction that we want to see our country take. The broad character that we want to define us for the next generation. This election isn’t ultimately about the candidates. It’s about our values, and our future. And for those of us who are Christians, it is about prayerfully and compassionately discerning the times and knowing what to do in the light of truth.
My friend Dave Huizenga and I have just prepared and released two free resources that we believe will help you in the next days and beyond. A special edition of our podcast and a prayer guide for the nation. You can download them both at the link below. Take them. Use them. Share them with your friends. It costs nothing but your time to listen, think, pray and pass these along. And please vote. For the responsible person, not doing so is really not an option! You can make a difference...right where you are.
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