Truth be told, I have a longstanding antipathy for gurus. I don't have authority issues per se; just a problem with incompetent people pretending to be competent while picking my pocket. I usually don't have time for stress. When it shows up unannounced I make it fill out a long form in triplicate and forward it to my virtual assistant in Bangalore. Snail mail. She wants original ink. And I hate elevator speeches. It takes me longer than fifteen seconds just to find a clean pair of socks.
So if you're a bullet list kind of person, bent on thin-slicing your way through life--sorry, had to get in the Malcolm Gladwell reference to see if the bots will throw me some free search traffic--why on earth are you still reading? So you can flame me in the comments section? Get a life. It's my blog. I moderate. You want to prove me wrong? I have an assignment for you. You'll need a friend or colleague, two cell phones with stop watch and video capabilities, and a sense of humor. Lack any one of these components and the exercise probably won't work. Ready? Here's your bullet list.
- Friend takes video
- You operate stopwatch
- In fifteen seconds, define the universe. Give three examples.
- No fair quoting Douglas Adams or Billy Pilgrim. We want original and witty.
- All set? Go!
- Now post your results to YouTube
- Forward link to my comments section (Did I mention that I moderate?)
Now back to our regular programming. The real reason I'm writing this is to fill space and give my neurons something to do while the espresso kicks in. I have a friend who asked me about Blogger as a platform and I hate uttering the words "I don't know." If I can't bluff, I investigate. So I opened an account. I wanted to look over the toys.
As for the pivotal importance of this as my first post, I can always come back and delete it. I don't think there are any rules governing how many first posts a person can post. If I turn out to be wrong, I can pull a Cat and move to another box. But I'll probably stick around. I like writing. It's one of my most cherished anti-social behaviours.
If this is pre-espresso....! I love these random neural firings. I can only imagine what it is like ON espresso. My face hurts from laughing.