Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Everyone needs hope. And, it seems, most look for change of some sort to bring that hope about. Change in government. Change in relationships. Change in behaviors. Change in circumstances. The most courageous among us may even look hopefully inward toward change in our selves. And some hope for the power to bring about that change. That shift.

We look for signposts. We talk with friends. We read. We watch scan the media. But more often than not, we're inundated with more information than we can consciously process. World news. National news. Local news. Bad news. News organizations. Fake news. How to sort it all out?

Ultimately, we're all really looking for good news. Like the promise of God to the prophet Jeremiah, "I know the plans that I have for prosper you and not harm you. To give you hope and a future."

As Christians, we can learn a lot from the news, if we know where to look. And how. There are currently 7.6 billion people living on planet Earth. 7.6 billion lives. 7.6 billion real people…with real stories…the vast majority of which will go untold. And largely unnoticed. Every day, we're bombarded by news and opinion from around the world, but most of it is focused on the same handful of countries and the same handful of entertainers and politicians… those in positions of wealth and power...or those who want to be! Conflicting voices with conflicting agendas vying for our attention and demanding our allegiance.

In the midst of it all, as followers of Jesus, there is another statistic that should grip our hearts. Of those 7.6 billion people, at least 5.3 billion are NOT currently Christians. 69 %. And every day 151,600 of them die. If 69 percent are unbelievers, then 104,604 people per day pass into eternity without knowing Christ. 

That's 4350 per hour.

73 per minute.

Six every five seconds.

But there is good news as well! The Jesus we follow is alive…and active in the world right now. And He’s pouring out His Spirit today bringing good news…the Kingdom of God is at hand…breaking into our world and our reality…touching hearts and minds and transforming lives and entire regions. 

The greatest Kingdom harvest in human history is taking place now.

Global estimates indicate that there are over 3000 new believers coming to Christ every 20 minutes. 9000 every hour. 216,000 every day.

One movement alone has seen over 1.6 million new  churches planted in the last ten years. That’s three every ten minutes!

People are hungry for the gospel and they’re hungry for the results of the Kingdom breaking in! It’s happening all over the world… in small hidden pockets in closed countries…in marketplace encounters…in homes and villages… one on one and life on life.

It’s happening because some people are profoundly convinced that the lost really are lost and need to hear. It’s happening because they are passionate about Jesus and His Kingdom…and they’re taking it to the streets! Right where they are. They are committed to reaching those around them with good news for a that brings real hope and real change for a real future!

We want to pray for them…and encourage them…and join them. Join us!

Click Here for More

Saturday, April 20, 2019


The tomb is empty. The veil is torn. Jesus is alive, risen, ascended, and reigning! Yet people in the world around us continue to insist on following versions of Jesus that have been created to serve their own viewpoints...their own agendas. Even Christians at times succumb to the temptation to make a Jesus in their own image rather than allowing themselves to be caught up in the power of His resurrection and be transformed according to His image…His character.

So as we celebrate His Resurrection, we wanted to reach out to you with a new podcast and a question. Perhaps the most important question any of us could ask in this season. Who is this Saviour and Lord that we worship and follow? Not who was He, but who is He…NOW? Who is this Risen Jesus?


And as a bonus, to accompany this episode, we also want to direct you back to two of our recent podcasts on Living and Walking in Resurrection Power! We hope you’re blessed and encouraged!



Saturday, March 23, 2019

We're Back...With TEN New Episodes


We’re back!!! And we’re stronger than ever! Bringing you more great podcast content from the Empowerment Institute and OneRockStrategix.

We know people today often have crazy lives. Busy. Going multiple directions at the same time. And technology has allowed media streaming platforms, educational outlets, and even some ministries to adapt to the changing ways many folks are accessing online content. Folks want what they want…when they want it. Whether they end up binge watching Star Trek on their day off or bookmarking a batch of apologetics videos on YouTube. With this in mind, we're trying out some changes!

We’re into our fourth season of the Marketplace Kingdom podcast, bringing you biblical perspectives and practical strategies for advancing God’s Kingdom right where you are…whoever you are. And given the shift in many people’s viewing and listening habits, we’re trying something new. We’re releasing a block of episodes for you to access or download whenever you want. Ten new episodes. TEN! Listen online, on your phone, or download and save them to your device. As always they’re free. So feel free to share them with your friends. You can even bookmark this blog as a handy episode guide.

More on Truth and Love
In this episode, Dave and DJ continue their discussion about engaging those around us in Truth and Love, and countering the current atmosphere of anger with the power and presence of God.

The Kingdom Wave
People in the time of the prophet Amos were praying for the coming of “the year of the Lord’s favor”. Amos, on the other hand, stopped them in their tracks, asking, “Do you really understand what you’re asking for? Do you grasp what the implications are?”  Many today are praying for revival and renewal, but perhaps the same questions could be asked. What will the next wave of revival and awakening really look like? What is the Lord seeking to do in THIS time? What will happen when a wave of the Spirit’s transforming power and presence breaks in on the scene? A KINGDOM Wave?

Living in Resurrection Power
As we approach the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection, it’s important that we reflect on the personal impact of His sacrifice and victory over the power of sin and death. But it’s also important that we reflect on MORE than that. What did the apostle Paul mean when he wrote “ I pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.” Are we, today, really supposed to be living and walking in the same power that raised Jesus from the dead? Are we supposed to be releasing that explosive power into the reality of the world around us? Resurrection Power?

Truth and Morality in the Public Square
Any of us who discuss faith issues with non-Christians has, with increasing frequency, been confronted with the claim, “Well, that may be your truth, but it’s not mine.” In the public square, in the media, in our day to day interaction with even family, friends and acquaintances, we are often confronted with the claim that there is more than one truth. That all viewpoints are roughly equal in a truly inclusive society, and that no one has the right to impose their truth or morality on anyone else. But if we actually believe Jesus, who stated plainly “I AM the truth”, then we’re confronted with a different reality. A biblical reality that says “Absolute truth exists. There is truth as opposed to deception. There is right as opposed to wrong. God and His word stand as the standard against which everything else must be measured.” For authentic Christians, this biblical reality, rooted in the character and presence of the one Living God, should provide the basis for all of our discussion of Truth and Morality in the Public Square.

Speaking and Standing in Boldness and Truth
Many Christians are just plain afraid to stand up and speak out about their faith and crucial issues in public. They’re intimidated. They don’t want to get into an argument. They don’t want to “offend” anyone. They don’t want to be ridiculed or mischaracterized by hostile people who hold differing viewpoints. But the bible that we claim to believe insists that speaking and living the truth matters because lives hang in the balance. If we receive and act in the true love of God, we can speak and act boldly and not timidly because, as the apostle John writes, “Perfect love casts out fear.” As Christians filled and moving in the love and presence of God, we can and should be Speaking and Standing in Boldness and Truth!

You really are important to God’s Kingdom…right where you are.  You may not have an impressive  title on a business card, a corner office at work, or a best-selling book. You may not be a community leader or an elder at church. But you have friends. And family. People you interact with at work and at the coffeeshop. You have relationships everywhere. And in those relationships, those moment by moment daily contacts, conversation by conversation…one on one and life on life…you have opportunity to be the Kingdom person you are. You have Influence!

Discerning Design and Destiny
Christian thinker Abraham Kuyper wrote “There is not one square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is sovereign over all, does not cry MINE!” If this is our starting point as Christians, the implications are startling. There may be spiritual war in personal lives, the public square, and even world systems. But the world is not evil. The whole of created reality came into being in the beginning, and God said it was GOOD. As we move around in our own little corners of creation, we can be guided by the confidence that, though it may be embattled territory, it’s still God’s! And it’s just waiting for US to do something…in God’s power and authority! Paul writes in Romans, “The whole creation is even now groaning in anticipation of the revealing of God’s children.” Anticipating the release and transformation, and restoration of Design and Destiny.

It’s Time: Factors in Seeing the Fullness of Now
It seems like every other story in the news today is written in a way that’s consciously intended to create a sense of urgency.  The writers appear to think that if it’s not urgent, it won’t capture your attention. You’ll ignore it. But like the story of the boy who cried “WOLF”, eventually people become immunized to a constant urgency.
According to the bible, King David had a group of advisors known as the “sons of Issachar”, who were specifically gifted in “understanding the times and knowing what Israel should do.”  They saw what was happening around their communities and nation, and understood what was urgent and what was not. We need this kind of wisdom today. Wisdom that sees clearly and recognizes when it’s time to engage in strategic action. Wisdom that is rooted in intimacy with God, and responds when His Spirit rises up in our spirit and declares “It’s Time!”

Seeing What to Do and Why—Kingdom View Part One
The message of the gospel…the good news for here and now…continues to be the same as it was when Jesus declared it over 2000 years ago. The Kingdom of God is at hand. It’s right here. It’s breaking in on our reality and it’s radically other than anything anyone else in the world has to offer!

Transformation and Reading the Times and Speaking in Tongues at Starbucks—Kingdom View Part Two
Have you ever been involved in a conversation and realized that the person you were with had no idea what you were talking about? Your viewpoints were so dissimilar that it was like you were speaking a different language? As Christians, we need to engage those around us in ways that they can understand. We can’t expect people outside our faith community to understand “Christianeze”. We may have godly wisdom and insight on what’s going on in the world, but if we want to have actual impact we need to communicate in a manner which applies and demonstrates that wisdom in ways that provide real answers and real hope and releases real transformation to those who are watching and hearing…right where we are.

Download or listen to as many as you want…when you want. Because you’re important to Jesus…and to His Kingdom…right where you are!
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Remember that we have many other resources, audio, video and written, available for free download. We hope they help as you navigate 2019 and beyond! You can easily find them on our Seven Mountain Alliance website.
Finally, please consider financially partnering with us in 2019! It's simple. Give online through our secure portal, or text to give at

The Lord is taking this ministry to places beyond what we could ask or imagine!  Your one time gift or ongoing support will help us continue bringing these Kingdom messages to listeners and influencers just like you, in seventy plus nations around the world. Thank you.
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As always, we pray God's richest blessing and favor on you and yours as you pursue His Kingdom...right where you are!

Dave Huizenga

DJ Swanger